
Congratulations to the winner of our raffle at bk World Füssen.

Congratulations! Together with our site sponsor and professional mountain biker Nadine Perks, we raffled off an e-bike from Superior Bikes at bk World in Füssen. From all participants a winner was determined by lottery.

Today we were finally able to give Dr. med. Thomas Bickert from Mainz his bike, a Superior exP 9019. Bk World Managing Director Marc Arnold was also present.

“I am totally happy. I have never won anything and to make such a profit at a loading stop right at bk World – I would not have expected that!”

We wish lots of fun with the new e-bike!

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Location Sottrum

Charging park in Sottrum Location Sottrum ADDRESS: Carl-von-Linde-Straße 627367 Sottrum, Germany T: +49 98 43 – 98 01 0M: 20 FAST CHARGING STATIONS V4

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