Pioneers launch partnership

E-lounge specialist bk World and organic soft drink BIONADE

BIONADE is now the exclusive lemonade and mate partner at all bk World locations. A total of eight BIONADE varieties in glass bottles are available in the climate-friendly lounges at electric car fast-charging parks: The refreshing classics BIONADE Elderberry, Naturally Cloudy Lemon, Naturally Cloudy Orange, Naturally Cloudy Blood Orange and Herbs, as well as the naturally invigorating BIONADE Mate Range.

“We at BIONADE are considered a pioneer in organic soft drinks, while bk World is a pioneer in the development of modern e-lounges. What is important to both of us is a sustainable, future-oriented focus for our companies,” explains Corinna Fuchs, Head of Marketing at BIONADE, about the long-term partnership with bk World. “Together, we want to offer visitors refreshing brand experiences with our drinks in a premium atmosphere during the charging stops of their e-vehicles.”

“It is important to us to offer the electric car drivers at the bk World lounges a varied product portfolio that has something for all guests, whether families or business travelers. The diverse selection of organic soft drinks from the popular and responsible BIONADE brand is a perfect fit for our brand and our customers,” adds Gerold Wolfarth, CEO of bk World.

Both partners have had a mission from the outset: to make the world a little bit more sustainable.

BIONADE uses 100 percent high-quality organic raw materials, does not use artificial flavors or sweeteners in its own purity requirements and yet has at least 30 percent less sugar than conventional sugar-sweetened lemonades. A particular concern of the pioneer from the Rhön biosphere reserve is the protection and preservation of biodiversity, which is vital for survival, among other things through the “Diversity 2030” participatory initiative founded with Dirk and Ingrid Steffens.

bk World is also setting new sustainability standards with the responsible construction of its lounges, the carefully selected building materials and the individually designed construction method. These guiding principles for the use of valuable natural resources by both industry pioneers have set the partnership in motion.

The collaboration was initiated by bk World Food & Beverage’s trading partner, fastgood GmbH. This company specializes in the vending market and – in addition to traditional retailer tasks – also takes on the research of suitable manufacturers and products, individually tailored to the requirements of the guests.

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Location Sottrum

Charging park in Sottrum Location Sottrum ADDRESS: Carl-von-Linde-Straße 627367 Sottrum, Germany T: +49 98 43 – 98 01 0M: 20 FAST CHARGING STATIONS V4

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